Welcome to Doux Smallworlds!
Welcome to Doux Smallworlds! Here at Doux we do a lot of different things such as, New/Fashion/Interviews and more. We are a small company that likes to do interviews a lot, but we do it because it is fun. Now some of you may be like, "oh here is the next wanna be magazine." Not at all- we are just people who like to do different things as said above. We didn't add Douxswmagazine, or anything like that, because we don't consider ourselves to be a magazine. Here at Doux we hope to make you happy with reading our interviews, and such! We are proud to be players of Smallworlds.com, and we are proud that we could make our dreams, and your dreams come true! We are so happy that you guys read us either weekly, monthly, or daily. Because we just like to know that we have strong supporters! You guys are now considered family to us, and we are proud that we could consider you a family as well. Fun Fact before I end this 'Warm Welcoming'- Doux means Soft in French! Thanks for Reading, Doux Family.